Sunday, August 12, 2012

Appointments This Week

Monday 8/6/12
4:00am - Awake, barely.  Not ready for this drive to Indy

7:00am - At the doctor's office...finally

7:30am - See my previous post.  It was like getting blood from a turnip.  My wrist is still bruised and very sore.

12:49pm - Voicemail from my nurse.  My Estradiol level is not increasing like it should.  Double my meds.  Buy more Menopur and Follistim.

Wednesday 8/8/12
4:00am - Up and at 'em for the drive to Indy.

7:00am - Arrive and wait, and wait, and wait

7:30am - Follicle ultrasound complete.  Only 5 follicles (where my eggs live) on my right ovary.  No follicles on my left!   None large enough to measure.  Disappointing.  My heart sinks.  But, the good news is the nurse only had to stick me once today.

11:08am - Voicemail from the nurse. Increase meds.

Friday 8/10/12
4:00am - Again

7:00am - What we do best in a waiting room...wait.

7:30am - 2nd follicle ultrasound complete. Just 2 more on my right, but there is 1 large enough to measure, 16mm.  To be considered mature and ready for retrieval they need to be at least 18mm.  I'm getting closer.  Still none on my left.  What's the deal?  Got blood on the first try.  

10:39am - Voicemail from my Megan. Increase meds.  Buy more Menopur.

Saturday 8/11/12
3:30am - Up and grouchy (both of us). We have a 6:30am appointment today.

6:32am - We made it, although late.  I had to stop on the side of the interstate and puke.  And had to stop again 10 minutes later.  Side effect of the medication.  I feel like shit.

7:30am - Finally, it's our turn.  The waiting room was full this morning.  I think they tell everyone to come at the same time.  In fact, I know they do.  Ultrasounds are first come, first served.  Which sucks, in my opinion.  Different tech today (actually I think she was an OB-GYN) with a med student tagging along.  More follicles on my right (1 that measures 18mm) and a small one on my left.  Tortured by 2 nurses this time to get blood.  

9:29am - Call from Megan (my nurse).  Meds to stay the same for now and they will see me again on Monday.  Joy.  I love getting up at 4:00am.


So, if everything goes well tomorrow (meaning if I have more than 1 mature follicle) I am assuming that my HCG injection will be on Tuesday night followed by the retrieval 36 hours later.  I don't think they will bother with the retrieval if I only have 1 good follicle.  It's a procedure that requires me to be under anesthesia, given pain medication afterwards, and be off work for 2 days.  And I can't even imagine the chances that fertilizing only 1 egg will end up in a pregnancy; very low I am sure.  Especially for me.  

My sister told me the other day not to give up.  She reminded me that nothing in life has come easy for me.  This is true.  Life at times has been harder for me than I ever imagined it would.  Why should this be any different?  I'm not asking for pity.  I am just asking for prayers.  Please.

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