Since we've been trying Matt has seemed less than excited about the possibility of becoming parents. Sure, he went along with it. What man wouldn't? But after a few months of trying and nothing happening he began to act like he wasn't ready to be a father in the first place. He'd see me get upset after taking a pregnancy test and make every excuse in the book as to why "we're not ready" and that we have "plenty of time" to start a family. He'd bring up the money issue...that we won't be able to do the things we've been able to and a movie every golf clubs just because....once we have children. I honestly had no idea if he was really ready or he if he was just saying these things to make me feel better. That is until our appointment last week.
More than once I saw a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. Finally! After our consultation (and before the nurse came back in the room) he asked me..."So, if you get pregnant in July when would you have the baby." I responded with a swollen heart..."April, honey". It's all I could do not to jump up and give him a big smooch! Then on our way home he was speaking with a customer (Matt is a John Deere salesman) on the phone. Matt had told him the previous day that we had an doctor appointment first thing in the morning and that he would call him afterwards. From what I could decipher, the customer asked if everything was alright at our appointment (it lasted a couple of hours). And Matt's response was..."something great will come from this." Again...and if he wasn't driving in Indianapolis traffic...I would have jumped over the seat to kiss him!
I love Matt more than the sweetest words could ever express. And after that day, I am confident that my love for him will outlast even the greatest of romances. If at the end of this journey we are still just a family of two I will still love him until the world ends. He is my favorite!
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