Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am embarrassed. I am a 31 year old woman and did not know the signs, the symptoms of ovulation until recently. I idioticly mistook them for premenstrual cramps therefore shooed Matt away like a stray dog. Oh my! I can't help but laugh otherwise I would probably cry. I did that for 17 months, people. No joke!

More than 5 years ago I was told that I may not ovulate per labs I had performed. Why those tests were done is story that I do not care to discuss. It is my past. In case you were wondering. The point is, shortly after I was given this news it did not matter if I was ovulating or not. And the issue was never an issue with me again.

That is until Matt and I started trying to conceive. That thought...me not ovulating...consumed my thoughts. I did discuss it with Matt, but we decided to just try on our own for awhile. He didn't want hear the details on why I thought I wasn't ovulating. Again, it is my past and he wants hear nothing of it.

Why after after over a year of nothing did it never occur to me that I may be ovulating now? I mean, that "possible" diagnosis was years ago. I've changed since then...why couldn't that change too? Hey Ang, why don't you search the Internet for the symptoms? Amazingly, that thought honestly never crossed my mind. I get on the Internet to find out other things. Silly things like why dogs eat poop. I will read Daniel Tosh's blog daily. But never, not one time did I ever attempt to read about ovulation. Maybe my sub-conscious was afraid of what I may read; that maybe it was true that I wasn't ovulating.

Regardless, I now know the symptoms and that I do ovulate thanks to Dr. Henry. And I can tell you that I am ovulating today, without a doubt. And I am so excited about that!

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