Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 35

Today is my cycle day 35. This may mean nothing to you, but to me it means 3 things.

The first: I finally started; not that I wanted to. I was 2 days late with no symptoms of my period on the horizon. Usually the week before I am a bitch. And that putting it kindly. This time...nothing. In the back of my mind I kept thinking that maybe, just maybe I was pregnant. Three negative pregnant tests proved me wrong.

The Second: Thursday I will start taking birth control again. It may seem like the last thing I should be doing since we have been trying to get pregnant for so long; but it is part of the IVF process.

Lastly: We are one day closer IVF and to a baby or two! Today Dr. Henry's office gave me the estimated dates for the retrieval (August 13-16) and the transfer (August 18-21). It seems like a lifetime away. But after trying for 2 1/2 years a 2 months is a piece of cake.

Please wish us luck, cross your fingers, and say a prayer.

1 comment:

  1. I have faith ang...august is going to be your time... i think the bc makes a lot of sense. Semding you guys tons of love and prayers and positive thinking.
