Monday Matt and I went to our IVF Conference in Indianapolis. We argued some on the way over. I don't even remember what it was about now. It was hot, we were sweaty and that definitely leads to irritability on my part. Never the less, we got over it and arrived in (technically) Carmel with just minutes to spare. Dr. Henry's waiting room is dim and quiet. And just as I was getting ready to shut my eyes for a quick cat nap my name was called.
We were lead back to the conference room where more than a year ago we first discussed in detail infertility treatment with Dr. Henry. The room is small with a nice wood table and chairs. The walls are covered with pictures of babies the doctor has helped make their way into this world. Oddly (or maybe not so oddly) I don't like to look at them. Those photos of twins in their Christmas pajamas and triplets in Halloween costumes will consume me if I am not careful. They make me too hopeful. So, I look away.
A very polite nurse (her name has slipped my mind) follows us in the room. She begins by going over the entire IVF process with us from start to finish; medications (injections) followed by blood work and ultrasounds on more than one occasion, and if my follicles are large and aplenty there's one more injection before retrieval day and then if there are any fertilized eggs (hopefully several) the transfer will follow3 to 5 days later. She goes over in great detail on how to give myself the injections. Lupron to start this Sunday (in the belly) for about 3 weeks. On the 3rd Follistim will begin in the morning and Menopur in the evening (both in the belly) for 10 days or so. Doxycycline (an antibiotic) for the both of us twice a day for 10 days.
This evening I will start insulin injections (since I am diabetic) to replace the Janumet I am currently prescribed. NovoLog Mix 70/30 FlexPen was my doctor's choice in insulin. She gave me samples today. Two pens, which is enough for about 2 weeks. I am to take 12 units at dinner time. I haven't taken it yet. I am a little afraid; not of jabbing the needle into my belly, but of low blood sugar. That is not fun. But, as I type my stomach is starting to growl. Wish me luck.
Actually, wish us both luck. In about 6 weeks Matt and I could possibly, maybe, hopefully be 9 months away from baby Nolan or Abigail or Preston or Cecelia or Elliot or Leah or...well, we have time to decide on that.